6 ways streetlights can keep your city safer (infographic) By:



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A sense of security is one of the key determinants of quality of life for residents. So how can communities become safer?

Crime rates are a top consideration for residents – and preventing and reducing crime is one of the top priorities of every law enforcement agency. Streets and roadways that are well-maintained and well-lit can help prevent crashes and pedestrian deaths. And public spaces should be free from nuisance crimes and welcoming to residents. Thoughtful investment in technologies that work with existing infrastructure can improve public safety in many ways while reducing energy consumption and lowering operating expenses.

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Download the infographic to learn how intelligent streetlights can be a valuable resource in your agency’s mission to keep communities safe.

Complete the form on this page to download the infographic and learn how intelligent streetlights can be a valuable ally in your agency’s mission to keep communities safe.

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