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Thank you for all the help and support that you have given to Gun Owners of America.
Your support and activism keeps us on the front lines, fighting the battle for freedom!
While GOA is battling for our 2A rights in Congress and in the states, did you know that a lot of the work—and the victories—that GOA accomplishes in the courts are realized through the help, in large part, from our foundation?
The mission of Gun Owners Foundation is to protect, preserve and defend our Second Amendment rights through litigation and education.
And over the past twenty months, our supporters have helped us win two remarkable injunctions against President Biden’s unconstitutional ban on pistol braces, and against Biden’s Engaged in the Business rule that would make many or most private firearms sales illegal.
Gun Owners Foundation also filed an impressive 24 amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs in 2024 alone in cases ranging from supporting challenges to so-called “assault weapons” bans and Gun-Free Zones to opposing the legal attack by the Mexican government against U.S. gun maker Smith & Wesson.
But yesterday’s wins won’t get us through tomorrow. The anti-gun Left does not let up—and, as I hope you know, neither will we. Now is not the time to rest on our laurels—there’s too much at stake.
As we continue to march forward, you and I have the opportunity to dismantle gun control schemes at the state and federal levels on issues like:
- Bans on many semi-automatic firearms.
- Registering of firearms and firearms owners.
- Harassing law-abiding firearms dealers.
Did you know that RIGHT NOW we are actively engaged in more than two dozen lawsuits in 12 states and in federal courts protecting your gun rights.
And when I say “we,” I mean WE.
Because Gun Owners Foundation accomplishes nothing without your support.
Can you help us close out the year strong with a tax deductible contribution of any amount, no matter how small?
Please make a contribution to our Legal Defense Fund to help us stay in the fight to protect YOUR God-given rights.
We are excited about the opportunities as we head full steam into the New Year to achieve even more protections of our shared Second Amendment rights.
But unlike the anti-gunners who rely on billionaires like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg, we know we can’t depend on one or two individuals to fund our battles.
Gun Owners Foundation relies on thousands of individual donors who give sacrificially because they understand how important this work is to our future, and for the next generation.
You’ve already been so generous with your resources and your time. But like any business concern, we have to fund our efforts on a continual basis.
I know there’s a lot of competition out there for your precious resources, and I hope that you agree that your investment in Gun Owners Foundation is one that you can be especially proud of.
Michael, whatever you choose to do will be received gratefully. And you can count on us to put it to immediate, effective use.
Can you help us?
Please make a tax-deductible contribution to our Legal Defense Fund to help us stay in the fight to protect YOUR God-given rights.
If you give a tax-deductible gift of $25 or more, we will send you a link to read GOF’s bound amicus brief in the case of Smith & Wesson v. Mexico so you can read for yourself the strong, unfiltered arguments we make in the courts on your behalf.
In this case, Mexico brazenly accuses U.S. gun makers for the out-of-control violence in Mexico perpetrated by lawless drug gangs.
This is an outrageous attack that is meant to force, through the courts, implementation of the UN gun control agenda.
Given all the progress you’ve helped us make this year, now is not the time to let up.
On the contrary, now is the time to double-down in protecting and strengthening our Second Amendment rights.
We’re winning. Let’s keep a good thing going!