By American Suppressor Association (ASA)
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As state legislatures across the country convene for the 2023 session, ASA is already working to defend against statewide suppressor bans in two states – Virginia and New Mexico. If this feels like deja vu, that’s because ASA already helped successfully defended against a ban in Virginia in 2019-2020. We stand ready to defend your right to own and use suppressors again in 2023!
In New Mexico, Sen. William P. Soules (D-37), has introduced SB 171, which would outright ban the “manufacture, sale, barter, trade, gift, transfer or acquisition of… mufflers, silencers or devices for deadening or muffling the sound of discharged firearms.” ASA will be in Santa Fe on Monday, February 6th, to testify in opposition to this bill in the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee.
In Virginia, Del. Dan Helmer (D-40), introduced HB 2240, “prohibiting the sale, transport, etc., of assault firearms, large-capacity firearm magazines, and silencers.” ASA testified in opposition to the bill on Thursday, January 26th, and the House Public Safety Sub-Committee voted 6-4 to “pass by” or table the bill indefinitely.
Make no mistake, ASA will remain steadfast in combating any attempt to ban, confiscate, or further regulate suppressors at the state and federal levels.
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